Saturday, April 24, 2010

December 2008 – "Wakeup Call" – Part 7

Christmas and Home:

Tuesday with the doctor quickly gave way to Wednesday with the family and Christmas Eve! For me, the highlight of that Christmas Eve together was our family show. Everyone had to participate. All took part and contributed to a night time of fun that focused on celebrating the birth of the Savior. There were songs and stories and dramas and comedies and food. There were laughter and tears and hugs and kisses and food. We had everything that one could want. And did I mention there was food? We were together as a family; every one of us. Grandpa Richard, that’s me, being singularly devoid of many talents, bore his testimony of the Church, the Gospel, the Savior, and our Heavenly Father. It was good for my children and grandchildren to hear that directly from me. Grandma Georgia, that’s my Princess, shared her thoughts and feelings as well. She touched all of our hearts that night. Both from what she said and from the obvious love she has for all of those things of which I testified. The real spiritual giant of the family touched us all. It was a night of fun enjoyed by all and of love expressed and understood as well. Did I mention there was food?

Christmas Eve turned into the early hours of Christmas morning, and finally play time was over. The snow that had been falling throughout the week returned, and what we thought might be a scattering turned into several inches at Jennifer’s house and across the area. The weather just wasn’t our friend that night! Many of those who were not spending the night had very long rides home. And the general consensus was that Grandpa and Grandma should not tempt fate by driving back to Ben and Melissa’s house. I gotta admit that it was great to spend the night in the kids’ beds rather than fighting snow. Thanks kids! Christmas morning dawned clear and bright, and the snow had given way to a gorgeous sunny day. Individual families had the chance to celebrate on their own that morning, and then once again Jennifer and Kelly opened their home to us and made it possible for all to enjoy Christmas Day together. Not surprisingly, a great feast was again laid out again, and no one went away hungry. We played and talked and laughed and shared the love we have for each other openly and freely. It was the best Christmas I have ever had. Why? Because we were all together; there were no empty chairs.

Two days later, on Saturday, December 27th I caught a flight back to Dallas and returned to what should have been the wrap up of the projects on which we had been working all year.  Guess again.  Once more there had been changes to the required deliverables, and the long hours continued for many.  But for me, those had become a thing of the past.  The wakeup call had been sounded, and it had been heard loud and clear.


georgia-mom said...

Unforgettable. That's what this Christmas was.
Our family program, with the comic and the serious, is the best thing we ever do. Christmas day with our children, now grown with children of their own, is truly the gift of love the Savior came to earth to give.
The generous hospitality of Jennifer and her family, with food, fraternity and fun, makes these glorious experiences possible.
Yep. Definitely unforgettable.

Angela said...

Most of those details I'd never heard before. Is that possible? Suddenly I'm grateful that you made it home after that fabulous, fun-fulled Christmas. Apparently, there was a chance that you wouldn't.

I hate to disrupt the chronological events, but did you ever have the doctor-recommended angiogram?

Grandpa Richard said...

Well, I don't think that I was ever close to not making it home, but there is no question that I had a very serious problem that needed attention.

As for the angiogram, yes I had that in January 2009. Tune in to the next installment for that. I'm working on it now!

jenn said...

Christmas was amazing! I felt like nothing was missing- all our family was together, we cried and we laughed and we ate, there were spiritual highs and strengthening of testimonies, there were perfect presents given with love and thought, then we ate some more...

I had moments where I felt overwhelmed and wondered why I host all the chaos, but they were brief and rewarded and I only wish we could do it again.

I love it when there are no empty chairs!

jenn said...

And I'm excited for the next chapter- what are you calling it? The Diagnosis? Healing My Heart? The Broken Rib? Congestive Heart Failure Wasn't Enough? That one might be jumping the gun a bit.

Whatever you call it, I can't wait to read it.

Grandpa Richard said...

Not sure what I will call the next installment, but I'm working on it now. The title can come later. I think I have to go eat first!

I love it too when there are no empty chairs....